We need your support and participation to maintain Country Parks’ picturesque natural scenery. From now on, country park trails are completely bin-free. Go Green! Reduce waste and “Take Your Litter Home”!

Act Now! Show your support to our natural environment!


Green Tips

To maintain the naturalness of our countryside, you can help to make economical use of resources by reducing, reusing and recycling materials during hiking. Here are some environmentally friendly tips.


  1. Bring your own dining utensil. Avoid using disposable utensils.
  2. Bring your own water bottle. Avoid using disposable plastic water bottles.
  3. Use handkerchiefs instead of tissues.
  4. Bring fresh food. Buy less packaged food.
  5. Avoid wasting food, bring enough food and take packed food or fruit as alternatives.
  6. Bring your own garbage bags. Separate wastes and bring to large refuse collection point for recycling or disposal.
  7. Wash and reuse durable and reusable materials.


Green Tips for Campers Water Filling Station Learning Card
​​Green Tips for Campers water filling stations Learning Card
Click here for details Click here for locations of water filling stations  


Act Now! Show your support to our natural environment!


Green Tips

To maintain the naturalness of our countryside, you can help to make economical use of resources by reducing, reusing and recycling materials during hiking. Here are some environmentally friendly tips.


  1. Bring your own dining utensil. Avoid using disposable utensils.
  2. Bring your own water bottle. Avoid using disposable plastic water bottles.
  3. Use handkerchiefs instead of tissues.
  4. Bring fresh food. Buy less packaged food.
  5. Avoid wasting food, bring enough food and take packed food or fruit as alternatives.
  6. Bring your own garbage bags. Separate wastes and bring to large refuse collection point for recycling or disposal.
  7. Wash and reuse durable and reusable materials.


Green Tips for Campers

Green Tips for Campers

Click here for details


Water Filling Station

water filling stations

Click here for locations of water filling stations


Learning Card

Learning Card